Get to Know: Juana Teaze

Man, I hate farewell tributes. But sadly, SCAR Derby recently had to say goodbye to Juana Teaze, one of the league's most experienced skaters.  After several years with SCAR, Juana has completed her grad degree and moved back to her home state of Oregon.  This week SCAR celebrated/mourned with a series of bar tours.

Juana was one of SCAR's most experienced skaters, having played in Oregon before moving to State College.  She anchored the Great Wall of SCAR as a blocker and featured heavily in SCAR's most effective defensive lineups.

So, without further ado, we share some of the insight, experience, and creativity that made Juana a crucial part of the SCAR lineup. 

Tell us about your roller derby name, how did you come up with it?

When I played for the Southern Oregon Roller Girls I played under the name Juana Rumble. Once I moved to SCAR the name had been registered on Two Evils, So I just changed my last name. My Real last name is Patt (with two T’s) and my number is 2tz just I just went with the joke on my name and became Juana Teaze.

Off the track, what kind of work do you do?  Do you have any other hobbies besides roller derby?  

I am a scenic designer for theatre and a props artisan for theatre and film. So I pretty much get to do my hobby for work!

What drew you to roller derby?

The community. I grew up with team sports. It’s an honor to be a part of a community as cool and caring as this one.

What’s one thing that you have learned from Derby that you are able to use in everyday life?

You only get better if you put the heart and the time in to be better.

What SCAR achievements are you most proud of?

How far we’ve come in so little time.

What was your most embarassing SCAR moment?

The Internet isn’t big enough for them all.

What equipment do you use? Skates? Wheels? Protective Gear? Must-Haves?

My heart. Its a must have.

Who supports you in doing roller derby, and what would you say to them?

My family, my Big sis, my friends, my girlfriend, even my Graduate school mentor, he’s our biggest fan. I thank them all!

Any injury stories?

I had a really bad MCL sprain back in September. The story isn’t anything too interesting, but I did pop my knee cap back in an finish the bout.

What question didn’t we ask that you wish we had asked, and what’s the answer?

What is the inner animal that you conjure whilst playing derby? That would be a unicorn!