Featured Artist Abby Assetto

One of the great things that SCAR Derby enjoys about the State College area is the deep vein of talent that's available for SCAR to feature and benefit from.

This bout's poster was created by Abby Assetto, a local artist.

As Abby says about herself:

I graduated with honors from Penn State University in December of 2011 with a degree in Information Sciences and Technology and minors in Security and Risk Analysis and English. Despite the technical nature of my degree, art and design have always been passions of mine. The reason that I chose to major in Information Sciences and Technology was that it allowed me to explore my creativity in addition to my technical prowess. My major helped me to understand the way in which design and color can impact a user experience. Technology as a medium for communication and expression was the basis of my honors thesis, in which I created an interactive comic that allowed readers to appreciate the story told on the surface, but also to delve deeper into the work’s underpinnings as they read.

Read more about her here.