Just a few notes, because the web site is about to get busy again --
1. We'll be debuting a new column by board member and general badass Em-Munition in the next few days. Em has graciously offered to demystify derby in a series of Derby 101 columns.
2. April 7th is our next home bout, and we need your help to make it successful. As always, we're looking for volunteers -- specifically, at this point we need NSOs and National Anthem singers. Know someone who is amazing? Tell them to get in touch with us!
3. We also need artists! Our bout posters are amazing, and that's because of the amazing talent that creates them. SCAR welcomes and appreciates guest artists -- as well as spreads their artwork all over town. For more info, email samples to dkaulakis@gmail.com.
4. By popular demand, we are going to offer season tickets for the first time ever within the next few days. Look for an anouncement about the packages we offer and the ways to get them on Monday, and get a front-row seat to SCAR's whole season!